The Greek god Zeus created Pandora, the first female mortal human, and blessed her with the gift of curiosity. He also gave her a box that was sealed tightly shut and instructed her never to open it.
Open it!
Open it!
Open it!
One day she could bear it no longer. When Epimetheus was asleep, she went to her box. If she had one look, she could rid her mind of it forever. But at the first crack of the lid, the box burst open.
שקופית: 5
While living on earth, Pandora fell in love with Epimetheus, a titan that had been given the task of designing the natural world by Zeus.
Terrible things came out: hate, envy, war and destruction came flying out, swirling in a cloud around her. They surged out and escaped into the world before Pandora could stop them
שקופית: 6
Often Pandora's mind wondered to the contents of the box. The curiosity became maddening, and overtime Pandora became more and more obsessed with the box.
As she wept, Pandora heard a faint noise coming from inside of the box. She opened the lid once more, and a shining light emerged. It was hope. Even though she had done a terrible thing, something positive also came from her actions.