dad please dont do this i dont have to go with grandma and i didnt say bye
Hurry up and get in
no i cant let this happen ur going and that it
grandmas house
grandma please stay with me i need you
hi my name is niket you seem really familiar too whats you name
everything will go the way its suppose to go back with ur dad although he isint alive anymore im sorry i lied to you find the boy
This is my chance to live my life again my second chance to be happy after my grandma died and my dad its been hard for me i haven't been here since my dad sent me away at first it was hard and i missed him but after 2 years i started to move on but i ofc didnt forget the love i have for him although we were 14 we didnt date bc of my dad but now i can. Im now going to attend the collage here and im hoping NIket is there too i had to come today so tomorrow is my firsst day.
At school the next moning
she's pretty
he looks like niketno theres no way
is she new?
my name is emily so it is you niket i missed you so much
hi what's your name i feel like i've seen you before
omg lesley i missed you so much i heard what happened to ur dad im so sorry about that