Character Traits: smart, kind, athleticChallenges: buying his class cream puffs, surviving Wednesdays w/ Mrs. Baker, pleasing his dadChanged through story: first Holling didn’t trust Mrs. Baker. Now he trusts her a bit more and is nicer towards her.
Danny Hupfer
Character Traits: smart, clever, braveInteraction: his teacherNarrator’s feelings: Holling thinks she hates his guts, and is plotting against him, but is slowly warming up to her.
Doug Swieteck
Character Traits: bossy, demanding, girlyInteraction: crush on him, friend demanding cream puffsNarrator’s feelings: thinks she’s annoying and bossy
Mai Thi
Character Traits: athletic, begrudging, Interaction: friend demanding cream puffsNarrator’s Attitude: thinks he’s scary when he threatens him (cream puffs)
Character Traits: selfish, tough, bullyInteraction: bully, teases and makes angryNarrator’s Attitude: scary but sort of admired
Character Traits: meek, kind, small but mightyInteraction: friend demanding cream puffsNarrator’s Attitude: hard to understand, not sure what to think about her
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