The play starts in Salem, Massachusetts, in the woods. A group of girls are found dancing in the woods and are accused of witchcraft. The girls blamed an enslaved woman from Babados called Tituba for leading them in rituals from her culture, which Puritans found foreign and threatening.
שקופית: 2
Reverend Parris
One of the girls named Betty, daughter of Reverend Parris, doesn't wake up. Parris is worried the people of Salem will lose respect for him, and presses his niece Abigail to admit what happened. Abby acts innocent but gets angry when Parris asks her about rumors that she is "soiled."
שקופית: 3
Reverend Parris
Ms Putnam
Mr Putnam
Mr and Ms Putnam barge in and announce that their daughter Ruth is also sick. They Putnams blame the devil for the illness and for killing 7 of their babies. They convince Rev. Parris to call a famous religious scholar, Reverend Hale, to investigate whether there are witches in Salem.
שקופית: 4
Marry Warren
Abigail tries to bully the other girls into staying quiet, threatening violence if they admit that they did anything more than dance. Mary Warren becomes very afraid and wants to tell the truth.
שקופית: 5
John Proctor
It is revealed that Abigail had an affair with John Proctor.Proctor is married to Elizabeth. Abby is so jealous, she drank blood as a ritual to have Elizabeth killed.John Proctor dislikes Parris and wants the drama to end.
שקופית: 6
Ms Putnam
John Proctor
Reverend Parris
Reverend Hale
Mr Putnam
Rebecca Nurse, a wise grandmother, advises that everyone stay calm, but Reverend Hale soon finds "proof" that Tituba has been bewitched by the devil. Hysteria built up in the room as Tituba and the girls begin accusing more and more neighbors of witchcraft, painting themselves as victims.