4-I believe he was trapped in the hands of money lenders and like many other farmers in India he was also illiterate. Many farmers suicide as farming is not always for everyone as you need to put a lot of effort and hard work into farming. You have to be mentally stable and be ready to accept failure as sometimes the crops might get ruined due to animals or a slight climate change. It brings a lot of tension and stress to the farmer as farming is their main food source.
2- I just got to know that another farmer friend of mine suicided!
5- Oh wow, Farming is a really hard job, may your friend rest in peace.
3-Oh I am sorry for your loss, but may I know the reason why he suicided?
1-Hey, my friend , why do you look so sad?
2-Yes, there are a lot of challenges, but that's how you learn more in life. Luckily the government is helping us a little bit through different ways. The Green Revolution helped us farmers a lot as it introduced many HYV seeds facilitated use of fertilizers and also provided loans which helped to increase productivity and made India self-sufficient in food grains!
4-Yes, but now it's getting late so let's consider the work for today is done and head back home! so that we can enjoy a warm meal and get some rest after this exhausting day!
1- I feel bad for you farmers, there are so many challenges and difficulties you have to come , I hope it becomes better and the government provides more aid to the farmers in India.
3- Oh wow that's great!
6-Bye Bye! Hope to see you again my good friend!
2-You are welcome , it was a pleasure to have you!
4-Yes. I hope so too!
1-Thank you for the food, I really appreciate it, also thank you for participating on my documentary as if you didn't, I would not have been able to experience a day in your life as a farmer in India.
5-But now I have to leave, Bye!
3- Your routine was really exhausting even though it was for one day so I can't imagine how it must be for you , but I hope you keep trying hard and prosper!
4- I have noticed that you put a lot of manual labor into farming. Why don't you just use machines and modern farming techniques?
2- Isn't it so hot now? Won't you get exhausted?
3-I am dedicated to farming and also have to get food from these crops anyway as it is our main source of food, so I am willing to work through the cold winters, hot summers and the exhausting monsoons.
1-Now it is time for me to sow some seeds, plough and do some reaping.
5- We don't use machines a lot as we are not able to afford many costly machines, but now after the loans provided by the cooperative societies and banks, I am able invest in agricultural machinery like tractors and pumps.
9- I wish we could do that but we can't as storage of farm products are expensive and difficult and sadly most of us farmers can't afford storage, so we have to sell it quickly.
5- We don't use a lot of chemical fertilizers while farming and the use of pesticides and High Yielding Variety seeds is also limited.
1- YAY! Rain has come! Now our crops can get the water they need! You see, our agriculture is mainly dependent on monsoons, but this is not always good as flood or droughts come along with it too.
7-Ok , now we have to sell our leftover crops quickly even for a bad price, before they rot!
3- YES, it is, but now it is time to spread out the organic fertilizer, manure, that we found, out to the crops.
6-Oh ok. BUT now that we did that, what are we going to do next?
4-Why don't you use chemical fertilizers for the plants?
2- Oh wow! That's GREAT!
8- But why are we selling it so fast , can't we just store it somewhere?
10-That is not so great . Let's hope storage is more cheap and available in the future!
2- Oh wow that's great, but I just remembered, I forgot to ask you something. Till now I have only seen you growing food crops on this piece of land, why don't you breed animals too?
4-Oh I see, but what food crops do you cultivate?
6- Oh ok.
5-Oh , I cultivate a few crops that we need mainly for our food like rice, wheat, maize and tea.
3- Well actually I do breed a few cows for milk and manure near my house but not on the same farmland as in this farmland, intensive farming is used to get the best output of this small land and this land is mainly used for growing food, so we don't practice mixed or pastoral farming.
1- I have got good news! our crops sold for a great price today!
נוצרו מעל 30 מיליון לוחות סיפור
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