He’s lost and alone in an environment that he is unfamiliar with”…no sun or promise of sun… not a cloud in the sky,,,, it had been days since he had seen the sun”(64).
שקופית: 2
He was unprepared for the weather
“He was was quick and ready in the things of life… nor did he think about mans general weakness, able to live only within narrow limits of heat and cold”(65).
שקופית: 3
Instinctual dog is with the man
“Following that the mans heels was a big native dog… the animal was worried about the great cold. It knew that this was no time for traveling. It’s own feeling was closer to the truth than the mans judgement”(66).
שקופית: 4
He is warming up and eating
“He tried to take a mouthful, but the ice around his mouth prevented him… he had forgotten to build a fire and warm himself.”
שקופית: 5
He falls through the ice
“At a place where there were no signs, the man broke through… he was wet to the knees before he got out of the water to the firm snow.”
שקופית: 6
After he dies the dog goes back to camp
“.. moved close to the man and caught the smell of death… turned and ran along the trail toward the camp it knew…”