Oh, that’s nonsense! This is just another one ofthe hallucinations you always get when you’reafraid. This is like that floating dagger you saidwas leading you toward Duncan. These outburstsof yours don’t even look like real fear. They’remore like how you would act if you were a womantelling a scary story by the fireside in front of hergrandmother. Shame on you! Why are youmaking these faces? When the vision passes,you’ll see that you’re just looking at a stool.
Yes, and a brave one, who dares to look atsomething that would frighten the devil.
Please, just look over there. Look! Look! See! (tothe GHOST) What do you have to say? What do Icare? If you can nod, then speak too. If the deadare going to return from their graves, then there’snothing to stop the birds from eating the bodies.So there’s no point in our burying people.
My worthy lord, your noble friends miss yourcompany.
What, has your foolishness paralyzed youcompletely?
As sure as I’m standing here, I saw him.
In ancient times, before there were laws to makethe land safe and peaceful, a lot of blood wasspilled. Yes, and since then murders have beencommitted that are too awful to talk about. It usedto be that when you knocked a man’s brains outhe would just die, and that would be it. But nowthey rise from the dead with twenty fatal headwounds and push us off our stools. This hauntingbusiness is even stranger than murder.
Good friends, think of this as nothing more thana strange habit. It’s nothing else. Too bad it’sspoiling our pleasure tonight.
(to the GHOST) Go! And get out of my sight!Stay in your grave. There’s no marrow in yourbones, and your blood is cold. You’re staring atme with eyes that have no power to see.
I am as brave as any other man. Come at me inthe form of a rugged Russian bear, an armor-plated rhinoceros, or a tiger from Iran. Take anyshape other than the one you have now and I willnever tremble in fear. Or come back to life againand challenge me to a duel in some desertedplace. If I tremble then, you can call me a littlegirl. Get out of here, you horrible ghost, youhallucination. Get out!
Look, now that it’s gone, I’m a man again.Please, remain seated everyone.
נוצרו מעל 30 מיליון לוחות סיפור
אין הורדות, אין כרטיס אשראי ואין צורך בכניסה כדי לנסות!