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une nuit dans une foret sombre

צור לוח סיפור
העתק את לוח התכנון הזה
une nuit dans une foret sombre
Storyboard That

צור Storyboard משלך

נסה את זה בחינם!

צור Storyboard משלך

נסה את זה בחינם!

טקסט Storyboard

  • WARNING turn around !
  • MHHHHH.... Strange 
  • My first paranormal experience happened one autumn evening. I was walking alone in the forest to clear my head .
  • ahhhhhhhhh ! what do you want from me ?
  • As I was walking deeper into the forest, I felt like I was not alone, I was not feeling safe. Then all of a sudden, I felt a presence behind me brushing against me,I knew at that moment that I was not alone.
  • At that moment I turned around, seeing no one I was confused.
  • leave me alone, god in heaven help me !
  • When suddenly, a white lady appeared, right in front of me. I think it was the greatest fear of my life. I was paralyzed. What was this thing ? A ghost ? And what did this want from me? I didn't do nothing wrong !
  • I didn't want to die here tonight ! I gathered all my courage and started running but in a few seconds she reappeared in front of me!
  • And all of a sudden, an invasion of white ladies arrived ! I didn't know what to do, I knew my end was near. I begged for god to help me as it was the only thing I could do. And suddenly, every white lady disappeared and it all stoped. Everything went quiet, I couldn't be able to feel anything, any emotions, expect maybe one feeling : the void. This feeling of nothingness lasted for the rest of my life...
נוצרו מעל 30 מיליון לוחות סיפור