In 1803 France sold the United states louisiana which doubled the size of the United States. France did this because they were fighting Great Britain and were desperate for money.
Stephen Long
In 1804 Lewis and Clark were exploring the new land and spent 123 miles in kansas. Lewis and Clark said Kansas had great beauty, variety of game, deer seemed plentiful, abundance of raspberries.
Jackson's speech
We will move the indians!!!!
In 1806 Zebulon Pike went to be the first American to explore the territory by foot. He said the land was like a desert and would be useless. He also wondered if the land could be cultivated.
Indian removal act
I am so angry and sad.
In 1819 Stephen Long traveled the area by steamboat. On a map he labeled Kansas "The Great Desert".
I'm gonna call this the great desert.
In 1829 Jackson had a speech to congress to move the american Indians to the western part of the mississippi river.
In 1830 the american government forced american indians to leave west, so American farmers could survive.