King Marsilion sent a message to King Charlemagne and falsely promised to convert Christianity if the Franks will go back to France. Charlemagne accepted and decided to find a messenger. The bold warrior, Roland, nephew of King Charlemagne, offered himself to be the messenger but the King Charlemagne refused his offer.
שקופית: 2
Roland then suggested his step-father, Count Ganelon, to be the messenger.
שקופית: 3
Riding back to Saragossa together with Blancandrin, King Marsilion's messengers, they made a plan how to ambush the rear guard of Charlemagne's army which is led by Roland.
שקופית: 4
The messengers arrived at Saragosa and the treachery started by lying out to King Marsilion that King Charlemagne gave no letter instead of handling over King Charlemagne's letter. Ganelon told King Marsilion that King Charlemagne accepted his tribute but demanded his head.
שקופית: 5
As a result, this led to mass ambush by the Saracen forces against King Charlemagne, which is led by Roland. The forces of Roland was outnumbered by the Saracen forces, thus, Roland decided to sound his horn to ask for help.
שקופית: 6
Roland blows so hard that his temples burst. He dies a glorious martyr's death, and saints take his soul straight to Paradise. When Charlemagne and his men reach the battlefield, they find only dead bodies.