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Unknown Story

צור לוח סיפור
העתק את לוח התכנון הזה
Unknown Story
Storyboard That

צור Storyboard משלך

נסה את זה בחינם!

צור Storyboard משלך

נסה את זה בחינם!

טקסט Storyboard

  • Rudi goes to school and his teacher reads his class about a trumpeter to give the kids inspiration. Then she lets out for the day and the kids are confused but the Germans are going to war with Poland and everyone is preparing so the kids are sent home.
  • Rudi awoke one night by his dreams and was kept awake by the lights of all the other houses so he took out his mothers letters she had wrote to him and started to read the one from his seventh birthday. When he finished the card he thought about it for a long time, then fell asleep.
  • Rudi and his father go to meet Salek and his dad at the front of town to dig trenches to slow down the Germans. When the Germans start to attack out of nowhere, Dr. Kaplan and Salek's father go run to get Salek's mother. Leaving the boys terrified and all alone. Salek tries to run but rudi is able to pull him down and keep him in the trench where its safe.
  • Rudi met his dad at the hospital where he works to help him with the people who were injured in the attacks. Rudi starts to panic but his dad gives him good advice to keep going. Rudi manages to cover almost everyone with a blanket and notices a little girl wounded in the arm at the end of one row. His dad tells him what had happened and he decided to sit their with her.
  • Saleks dad tells the news that Poland has fallen and that they have to line the streets for the Germans. He also give Rudi's dad some ration cards for him and Rudi to use. All Jewish shops have closed. Last, they said that the Germans want their radios and they don't know why.
  • Rudi woke up to his dad who told him to get all his close on that he had. when Rudi went otosee his dad he was shoving stuff in his jacket. then a German soldier came in and Dr. Kaplan gave him the keys and walked out. they were supposed to get in the back of a truck but instead a shop owner, Mr. Elias, helped them escape thought his back door and they followed an alley to an abandoned office that they called their new home.
  • Rudi was walking to his home when he heard a noise and stopped, then he saw Elias, the man that helped them escape from the soldiers was standing in front of his shop while a guard was coming in and out smashing all of his items. Then, a soldier saw him and told the other guard but let rudi go. Then rudi went to Saleks house and told him that he has to go back to his apartment When Salek heard this, he freaked out but helped Rudi get ready and by a short time, the boys were ready..
  • In the morning the boys were ready and set out to go. when the went a good distance Rudi wanted to take a different route but then they ran into a soldier and ended up getting caught. The soldier eventually let someone take them but it was a man trying to help them so he released them in a random area safe from the soldiers. But they still had time to go so the made their way to Rudis house.When they got their Rudi flew the rope up and landed it on the bar. He got inside and looked, but could not find his moms letters. when he hears someone coming. he hid under the bed and waited. Rudi realized it was a soldier and made his escape when the soldier laid down only to run into his dad in the hall. Who told him that he had the letters all along.
  • Rudi went to the hospital with his dad again only to run into a German soldier who wanted to talk to his dad. When Dr. Kaplan heard the news. he was angry because they did not want him to work at the hospital anymore so he snapped, and yelled. Then the soldier got mad at what he did so he took out his gun and hit Rudi in the head with the butt of the gun.
נוצרו מעל 30 מיליון לוחות סיפור