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ss8 britain 14th century

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ss8 britain 14th century
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טקסט Storyboard

  • My name is King Edward Longshanks of England, and I am going to be reforming common law and the royal administration
  • King Edward Longshanks Had a reign from 1272-1307. He was also knows as King Edward the 1st
  • Edward my son, my time is up you will be taking my place as king of England 
  • Father, I will do everything in my to keep your legacy alive 
  • King Edward II had a reign from 1307-1327 and was also known as Edward of caernarvon
  • To the people of britain due to my father's death I will be take his place as king.
  • When the Black Death is over I will fix the wages for our country
  • King Edward III had a reign from 1327-1377 he was known to the people as of Windsor.
  • During the first few years of his reign, King Richard II head faced problems such as hundred years' war. This was a major challenge to the reign, the peasent's revolt backin 1381. King Richard II played a big role in the suppression of this crisis. King richard was not big on thw war and wasn't as warlike as his father and his grandfather.
  • After the passing of my father Prince Edward of Wales. I, now King Richard II will be taking place as heir, since my grandfather King Edward III has passed away.
  • The People of Britain in the 1300's were highly religious and they followed christianity the most. The first churches were built in England during the fourth century
  • During the 14th century Britian was involved in 7 wars and they ended up. The wars were from the years; 1321-1322, 1324-1324, 1332-1357, 1337-1453, 1377-1575, 1381-1382, and 1383-1385. Out of all these wars England only won one of these wars.
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