You should disband your army and come back to Rome as a private citizen!If you will cross the Rubicon it will be seeen as an act of insurrection
שקופית: 2
49 BCCrossing the Rubicon
Rubicon River
We should cross this river,to make Senat pay and to show people who the real leader is! I will chage this political system
שקופית: 3
I did what was necessary to save lives of my soldiers and the republic!
You have violated our order and the law "The die is cast". You will pay for your actions!
שקופית: 4
I won the fight,Pompey is dead.So now I am unrivaled ruler of Rome
שקופית: 5
I know it`s hard for you to fight against the united Gallic forces.But,I believe in you soldiers.I have new tacticts and innovative strategies.Come on,we won`t loose this war!
58-50 BCThe Gallic Wars
שקופית: 6
We built a bridge,so now we can go further
שקופית: 7
We did our job.We expanded the territory of Rome and won our fights.We can go home now!
שקופית: 8
45 BCCaesar Becomes Dictator
I am ne dictator of Rome!
שקופית: 9
No!YOU ARE A DICTATOR!You will destroy our Republic.You must be killed as soon as possible,so tht Rome can prosper!
I have finally come to power and now I will rule Rome and make it better for the rest of my life