In this part, I will give an introduction to chemistry, since I want may people to be able to play this game, so I need to give them some information to use. The basics will be on the game, while the more detailed information will be on a separate link, so that I may have a lot more space in the game.
שקופית: 2
Periodic table game
The first game that I will make will be the periodic table game. This game is very simple, there will be a highlighted element, and the player has to answer some questions about it (what is the atomic number, atomic mass, is it metal or non-metal, etc.) All of the necessary information will be inside the game, they just need to find it. For a harder version of the game I will also ask questions about the group and period that it is in, and I might ask what type of element it is (ex. halogen, noble gas, alkaline metal, etc)
שקופית: 3
Atom game
Here the player needs to construct an atom. To do this, there will be some prompts, like the atomic number, the atomic mass, and wether it is neutral or an ion. With this, they have to construct the atom, by putting the correct number of protons, neutrons and electrons. For a harder version of the game, I will also make the player state what atom they created (without the aid of a periodic table).
שקופית: 4
Ions, bonding and valence electrons
In the last game, I will make the players use ionic bonding to create stabler molecules. To do this, they will have to drag and drop the electrons from one atom to another, and then state their charge. The harder version also requires the players to balance equations with the valence of the molecules.
שקופית: 5
At the end of the game, I will make a leaderboard, where the players will be scored, based on their accuracy and speed. If the player chose the harder version, the score will be multiplied by 1.5, so that the extra work may be payed off.