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The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas Book Report

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The Boy in The Striped Pyjamas Book Report
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  • why are you packing my bag?
  • Bruno comes home to the maid packing his bag, he goes to ask his mother what is going and she tells him that his father has important work. Bruno never knew what his father worked.
  • when Bruno arrives at his new home he doesn't like the mood there. He looks out the window and sees children wearing striped clothing and soldiers around them. He called his sister Gretel to see it and told him it's probably a rehearsal. even though they both felt weird and wanted to go back to Berlin
  • Bruno remembers that he used to love exploration in Berlin and decides to go out to the garden and continues walking towards a fence that he is forbidden to go to. As he is walking to the fence he sees a dot that slowly turns into a boy as he got closer. Bruno sees a boy sitting on the other side of the fence wearing striped pajamas, they have a talk and turns out that the boy's name is Shmuel and has the same birthday as Bruno he also informs him that he's from Poland. Bruno doesn't know where Poland is, but Shmuel tells him that they are in Poland
  • it's Bruno's father's birthday, Bruno heads to the kitchen and sees Shmuel. He tells him that they brought him here to polish glasses. Bruno takes chicken out of the fridge and gives it to Shmuel. He eats it and a soldier comes in and sees him. he tells him that Bruno gave it to him and that they are friends. Bruno denies it and tells him that they never met. later, Bruno apologizes and Shmuel forgives him and is sent back to the other side of the fence. 
  • Bruno walks up to his friend Shmuel and sees that he is very sad becuase he has lost his father, he also notices a black eye and assumes its from a bully and doesn't its actually from a nazi soldier. they boys come up with a plan to go find his father and disguise Bruno in stripped pajamas so the Nazi soldiers don't recognize him. They search without luck and as Bruno wanted to leave soldiers surround them and put them in a gas chamber but they don't know it, the door closes and the room goes dark.
  • several days later, Nazi soldiers search the houses and towns and villages and only find his clothes as Bruno never shows back up again, his sister and mother go back to Berlin and his father stays back in Auschwitz for another year for the World War
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