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  • Hey! Give me back my notebook!
  • Ha ha!
  • Mr. Livingston here was going to have these shoes auctioned. The money raised would then go to the homeless shelter. You stole from the poor children!
  • B-but..
  • Hi, Stanley. Welcome to Camp Green Lake. I'm Mr. Pendanski.
  • Hi. 
  • D
  • It starts out as your average bad day day for Stanley Yelnats, an overweight, unlucky middle-schooler. He is bullied by Derek, a mean (but short) kid at school
  • x-ray
  • Magnet.
  • Zero
  • Zig-Zag
  • One day, Stanley is walking home from school when a pair of sneakers fall on him. A police officer thinks he stole them and sends Stanley to court.
  • Stanley is sent to Camp Green Lake, a juvenile detention center for 'bad boys.' There Stanley meets Mr. Pendanski his counselor, and grumpy Mr. Sir.
  • I have one daughter who I want to be married. Which one of you shall it be?
  • I will trade you my fattest pig if I may marry your daughter.
  • Stanley meets the other boys: Zero, Zigzag, Armpit, X-ray, Squid, and Magnet.
  • Armpit
  • Stanley
  • Squid
  • The next day, Stanley digs his first hole at camp Green-Lake. Each hole must be five feet deep and wide.
  • OH NO!
  • Stanley and his dad blame their bad luck on Stanley's no-good-dirty-rotten-pig-stealing-great-great-grandfather, who supposedly stole a pig and cursed his decedents. If you're wondering how this all happened, here is Stanley's explanation of it: It all began with a pretty young lady named Myra. A young man Elya and an older man named Igor both wished to marry her.
  • Elya tells his old gypsy friend his problem with marrying Myra... that Igor wants to marry her too. She gives him a pig and tells him to carry it up the mountain, let it drink from a stream, and sing it a special song. She said to do this every day til' Myra's birthday, then carry the pig up one more time.
  • Elya does not carry his pig up the mountain the last time. His pig and Igor's pig weigh the same. Elya realizes he does not want to marry Myra because she is dumb. Elya sets sail for America instead. Once he is on his way, he realizes he forgot to carry his gypsy friend Madame Zeroni up the mountain as he promised.
  • In America Elya marries a smart woman named Sarah. But bad luck follows Elya because he did not carry Madame Zeroni up the mountain. The have a baby and call him Stanley because Stanley is their last name Yelnats backwards.
  • Uh, here, X-ray, I found this. 
  • Gee, thanks Caveman!
  • I don't care a crap about your sunflower seeds.
  • 'Caveman' (Stanley) promises X-ray to give him anything he finds because he'll get the day off. One day, Stanley finds an odd object.
  • ZERO!
  • Magnet steals Mr. Sir's sunflower seeds, and Stanley covers up for him. Mr. Sir takes Stanley to see the Warden...
  • Good morning, Miss. Katherine!
  • Good morning, Sam.
  • (Mr. Sir is mad at Stanley for getting him in trouble with the warden.) Stanley befriends Zero, an illiterate boy who is considered worthless and dumb by many. Stanley agrees to teach Zero to read if he'll dig some of his hole each day.
  • Zigzag gets mad at Stanley because Zero digs some of his hole each day. Zigzag tries to beat up Stanley, but Zero steps in and chokes Zigzag to get him away. The adults aren't happy to hear about the deal. Zero is fed up with being thought of as dumb and runs off.
  • Before we continue, let's look back at how Green Lake got so... un green. 110 years ago, a pretty young school teacher named Katherine Burlow fell in love with a young man named Sam. However, a man named Trout also wanted to marry Katherine...
  • Sam and Katherine kiss, which is against the law because Sam has dark skin. Sam is killed, and so is his donkey, Mary Lou. Heartbroken, Katherine begins her murdering and stealing career as 'Kissing Kate' When she comes back, though Greenlake is a Ghost Town.
  • Trout and Linda find Kate and demand she tells them wear her treasure is. When she refuses they take her outside. There, a yellow-spotted lizard bites and kills Kate.
  • Stanley finds Zero hidden under a boat in the middle of the desert, living off of Spoolsh under Sam's old boat. (Spoolsh is Kissin' Kate's spiced peaches from 110 years ago.)
  • ZERO! Are you okay?
  • Stanley....
  • Stanley and Zero find safety on the 'big thumb.' Zero recovers there, and the boys find water and onions.
  • Stanley Yelnats
  • Stanley and Zero leave the 'big thumb' and sneak back to camp. They did up the long-lost treasure that belongs to Stanley's family. They are almost killed by yellow-spotted lizards, but are saved by their 'onion blood.'
  • Stanley and Zero go back home with Stanley's lawyer. Camp Green-Lake shuts down. Stanley and Zero each get a lot of money from what's in the chest. Zero finds his mom, Stanley buys his family a new home, and Clyde Livingston becomes a good friend of theirs. (plus, Spoolsh becomes a cure for his foot fungus!)

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