and thats what happend to Ida and how you should be more aware of how you use your resorces and how bad the flood is
and thats why I think we should have a more
I have a question
any questions for me
it can because of how the co2 in the air can heat up the atmosphere and make the ice in the colder areas of the earth melt and can change the climate around us by getting colder for the ice to come back to its normal state
how does this relate to climate change and globle warming
climate change is how the world reacts to what we are doing to the world like the co2 we put in the air and the methan and the other thing that can be changed by doing something about it
well globle warming is the change in the airs temp and how it can change the more things we put into it that is called the green house affect and is mostly the fossol foul that we need to make gas and is really affecting the air
by the massive rain fall that the hurricane made and killed 95 people and the economic will cost around $65 bilion
then what is globle warming
what is climate change
how did Ida flood
well we can plant more trees and help make more electric cars and others things so the ice in the colder areas does not melt and does not flood and can help the warming in the world as well as the ice that can flood the rest of the world
well the report was posted on 27 Dec 2021 and was a few weeks before the report
when did this happen
how can we change now
alright guys and girls we need to move on and we just started this unit and you know this much thats great but we need to move on to the other presntations but if you have other questions then ask later
one more thing if you think that you cant do anything then try changing how you use your resorces and how you can use less harmful things for the earth