Učitelia alebo študenti môžu upravovať tento pracovný hárok na násobenie a vytvárať matematické úlohy na riešenie! Tento pracovný hárok je úplne prispôsobiteľný a navrhnutý na digitálne použitie alebo vytlačenie na štandardnej tlačiarni. Tento dizajn obsahuje tému farebných pasteliek.
Texte du Storyboard
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Directions: Enter Text Here
Name: Enter Text Here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Date: Enter Text Here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here
Delete this text box and place X amount of items here