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  • I have some news for you. My boss informed me that I have to move to Germany.
  • Really? How are we supposed to manage this?
  • My husband informed us yesterday, that we will be moving to Germnay.
  • We will be missing you a lot. But, I hope you get used to living there quickly.
  • I hope you don't take long before you come back for a visit. We will miss you
  • Guys! I will be travelling to Germany by next month because of my dad's work
  • Oh no! This means we will be loosing all the upcoming football matches
  • School is going to be boring without you 
  • My dad said we will be moving to Germany by the next month. I will miss school and life here a lot. Life there will be so different.
  • Come on we are the inseparable three we can't be separated. We will miss you a lot.
  • Yes sir. I am going to move there. But, I need some time, give me at least until the end of this month. Moving countries ins't that easy, it takes a bit of time.
  • You're still here? I thought you have gone already for your job there.
  • I can't believe we're moving. I will miss this room the most, we had so many memories here, and it's been our room since we were little.
  • You're right we've had so many memories in this room. Remember when we decorated the room together and painted the walls with our parents. I really don't want to leave.
  • I am worried about the kids. It will be hard for them to fin in. I am also worried that it might be difficult for them to catch up with the other students since they can't speak the language.
  • It will be difficult at the beginning. But after few months it will get better, and they'll get used to it. Also they can learn faster when everyone around them is speaking the language. 
  • Do you think people there are going to be nice? I don't know how school will be there.
  • I really don't know. I wonder if we'll be able to make friends easily though. 
  • goodbye
  • Goodbye home we're going to miss you
  • Let's check if our plane arrived yet
  • Who knew that we'll be leaving our home country one day, and changing our life. I just hope we get used to living there. 
  • Will there by a house to live in? Like is it ready for us to live in?
  • Yes, my company's branch there prepared for us a nice and ready house to live in, we just have to unpack our bags and put our clothes in the closet. 
  • Yes darling, your dad's company prepared a big house for us, and you'll have your own room since the house has three rooms. 
  • Mom, will I really have my own room in the new house there like you said?
  • People here are nice, but unfortunately there are going to be people who will feel like we don't belong. But don't worry everything is going to be great. 
  • Dad, what if people here didn't like us. I feel like a foreigner here.
  • I think we're going to be happy here.
  • Wow, I like the airport here. 
  • Sadly, we reached at night so we can't see if the country is nice or how it looks like.
  • Yes, but we have plenty of time to see the country. We can start tomorrow and go around the country , familiarizing with the place.
  • I'm going to have a look upstairs.
  • i'm going upstairs as well.
  • Do you like it here buddy?
  • Wow, this house is even better than I imagined.
  • I feel like it's going to take time until we get used to it here. It isn't as easy as I imagined. I was trying to be cheerful in front of the kids.
  • Don't worry it's still the first day, and you haven't seen the country. You'll get used to it, and like living here. Don't worry it's still the first day, and you haven't seen the country. You'll get used to it, and like living here.
  • I also want to start looking for a job. This will also be a way of seeing people, and getting used to life here.
  • Yes sure, and I think that it will be easy finding a job here since opportunities are plenty, and much more than where we lived.
  • Me too, I'm afraid school will be hard. What if we don't catch up with the other students?
  • I feel like it's going to be difficult for us, and I don't think I'll be happy in school
  • It was okay. The science teacher was really good, but in Math I think they know more than I do. So, I should practice many skills to catch up with the students.
  • Everyone was really nice, and I got friends. But there was a bully who was annoying all students so I was just staying away from him.
  • How was first day in your new school?
  • Don't worry we'll get used to it.
  • It was a long day today at work, I'm very tired. I have to do almost everything and no one knows how to do their job well.
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