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Science comic strip
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Texte du Storyboard

  • Welcome to the annual H vs A verbal battle. Representing heterotrophic nutrition, we have humans, and for autotrophic we have plants.
  • ROUND 1
  • I prepare my own food buddy, you can’t even do that. Plus, I stand in sunlight the entire day but for you, it’s a huge deal
  • I might be dependent on you, but at least I know how to use the resources around me
  • ROUND 1
  • Even we use carbon dioxide and water from the environment but you would know that if you paid less attention to yourself
  • If that’s the case, let’s describe our mode of nutrition to see which one is better. You can start first
  • We obtain our nutrients by harnessing energy from sunlight to convert ‘carbon dioxide’ from the atmosphere and ‘water from the soil’ into complex organic compounds or glucose.
  • Oxygen is a by-product during the daytime and the synthesized food is transported to different parts for storage and utilization. Proteins are obtained from the soil.
  • Minerals dissolved in water are used to convert sugar into proteins.
  • ROUND 1
  • Your turn, good luck you’ll need it
  • Let me tell you about my mode of nutrition.
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