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Boston Tea Party

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Boston Tea Party
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  • The British were in debt because of the French and Indian War.
  • To get more money the British enacted multiple new taxes, including the Stamp Act which required every piece of paper to have a paid stamp on it. The colonists got very angry at these taxes and even more so at Britain. The acts finally got repealed but the Americans were still angry with the British.
  • The colonists were angry with the soldiers and started harassing and throwing rocks at them. Someone heard the word "Fire!" and five colonists died. The colonists political leaders used the event as Anti-British propaganda.
  • These acts are intolerable!
  • Three ships loaded with tea arrived in Boston Harbor after being warned to turn back. The Sons of Liberty in Boston acted swiftly and on December 16th at midnight, they had gathered a large group of people and began preparing.
  • A large group of about a hundred people dressed up as Native Americans and dumped 342 crates (About a million dollars) of tea into the ocean. They did it in the dead of night and were as quiet as possible to make sure that they didn't get caught.
  • The British were understandably mad and decided to create and enact what they called the "Coercive Acts" but what we now refer to as the "Intolerable Acts". They also shut down Boston's harbor until they paid back the cost of the tea in full. The Son's of Liberty still saw this as a win though and all of the previous events led to the First Continental Congress.
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