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  • The presidential election of 1860 presented itself to be a major event during the time of the Civil War. Republican Abraham Lincoln, Democrat John Breckinridge and Democrat Stephen Douglas were the possible candidates. Lincoln advocated against slavery in both new territories and in general, while his opponents advocated popular sovereignty and pro-slavery efforts. During this time, the Democrat Party was split into two, North and South. Because of this, the Republican Party won and Lincoln became president.
  • Abraham Lincoln won the presidential election of 1860 and became the 16th president of the United States. Lincoln advocated anti-slavery and was an abolitionist. Because of this, most believe that his election alone was a primary cause of the secession of the South. Lincoln successfully led the Union into a victory through the civil war which ended slavery. For this, Lincoln is a major historical figure when the topic of slavery is mentioned. Unfortunately, he was unable to complete his term due to his assassination in 1865.
  • The Civil War plays a crucial role in American history. It was the war between the South and the North in the debate against slavery. The North became known as the union while the South became known as the Confederate. In the Civil War, both sides fought for total opposite reasons, goals and objectives. The Union fought for the abolition of slavery and to tie the South back to the country, while the Confederates fought for "independence" from the country and to keep slavery in action.
  • Jefferson Davis was the president of the Confederate side and was considered a symbol of Southern pride during the Civil War. Davis was a West Pointe graduate but was not a military expert. It is also said that he paid too much attention to detail and could not delegate. Some of these traits may have possibly played a part in the Confederate loss. Later on, Davis was caught and imprisoned for treason. However, he was bailed out and never got tried.
  • In 1863, President Lincoln passed the Emancipation Proclamation which stated that any and all slaves within the South shall be free. African Americans began to flee to Union strongholds to seek refuge. Being that there was a massive population of slaves in the South, this benefited the Union army because the blacks joined the Union army to fight against the South which held them captive.
  • The battles of Gettysburg and Vicksburg were a vital part of the Union's victory. These battles were a major turning point for the Union that resulted in their win in the Civil War. These battles allowed the Union army to push back the Confederates. During these battles it was, General Robert E. Lee (Confederates) vs. General George Meade (Union). Lee planned an attack on the Union army and General Meade's troop were able to counter-attack and win.
  • After the Union won the Civil War, a period of "reconstruction" took place to settle the final decision on slavery and the South's behavior. Lincoln came up with his plan that had requirements for the South. Included in this was that full pardon and restoration of property would be given the Southerners if a minimum 10% of the population took a loyalty oath. Of course, this excluded prominent Confederates. In addition to this, they must recognize the permanent abolishment and freedom of slavery.
  • Lincoln was not the only one to write up a reconstruction plan regarding the South. The Radical Republicans also played a role in reconstruction, however, they wanted a harsher punishment towards the South. Their plan was similar to Lincoln's in that the Southerners must recognize the permanent freedom of slaves. Yet, it also required that at least 50% of the southern population must take a loyalty oath. In addition, the states must pay all the Confederate debts for the inflation they caused. The Wade-Davis Bill was pocket-vetoed by Lincoln.
  • On April 15th of 1865, President Abraham Lincoln was assassinated. he man to kill him was John Wilkes Booth. Booth was a famous actor during the time. He had organized a plan to kill not only Lincoln but also Johnson and Seward. During a play that Lincoln was attending, Booth snuck behind him and shot him in the back of the head.
  • After Lincoln's death, Vice President Andrew Johnson filled into the spot of President. Since Lincoln died, his reconstruction plan died along with him. Johnson came up with his own reconstruction plan. Much different from Lincoln's and the Wade-Davis Bill, his plan granted forgiveness and restoration of property rights to ANY and all confederates that pledged their loyalty. It also required ratification of the 13th Amendment and all payment of Confederate debt.
  • On January of 1865, Sherman's "Special Field Order 15" was put into effect. Special Field Order 15 gave 40-acre grants of Confederate land to freed black slaves. It also proved them with a mule to begin their life on their newly acquired land. Later on the order was rescinded by Johnson. Because of this, they were forced to give back all land to the original owners.
  • The 13th Amendment is a crucial part during this time. It was made official in December of 1865. The 13th Amendment officially ends slavery and grants all blacks their freedom. This is was and still is a major deal to blacks, especially the former slaves of the South.
  • The Ku Klux Klan, or the KKK, emerged as a result of the Fugitive Slave Act. The Fugitive Slave Act allowed the citizens to "become" the police and return slaves. The KKK was based on this idea and practice. However, after the war, they became a violent force. They used intimidation to discourage blacks from exercising their rights.
  • After the Civil War and the 13th Amendment, there was an introduction to black codes. Black codes were a way for Southern states' governments to withhold the freedom of the slaves. They would restrict the lives of former slaves and limit their freedom. Black codes rewrote slavery without actually using the specifics of slavery.
  • The Freedmen's Bureau was an agency established by Congress in March of 1865. It provided social, educational, economic services, advice, and protection to former slaves in the South and destitute whites. The biggest to come out of this was the education. It allowed former slaves to become literate which would eventually help then to be less dependent. Former slaves also sent their children to recieve education. The Freedmen's Bureau lasted 7 years.
  • The only Reconstruction Plan to actually be put into affect was the Congressional Reconstruction. Firstly,it required the writing of new state constitutions which gave the right to vote to African Americans. It also divided the former confederacy, excluding Tennessee, into five military districts, primarily to enforce the 14th and 15th Amendment. Finally, this Reconstruction plan required the payment of Confederate debt and ratification of the 14th Amendment.
  • The 14th Amendment gave blacks citizenship by specifying that all people born or naturalized are citizens of the US. In addition, it granted equal protection to all citizens under US laws. The 14th Amendment got rid of the 3/5 rule. So now former slaves and ANY citizen, was considered equal and had equal representation in the government.
  • The 15th Amendment gave the right of suffrage to all men. This included whites AND blacks. Of course, they must be citizens of the United States to vote. This Amendment also caused women suffragists to become upset. This being that the 15th Amendment only allowed men, not women
  • Sharecropping was, in a way, another form of slavery that wasn't exact. Similar to the use of black codes. However, sharecropping didn't only involve blacks. Sharecropping was a deal in which a landlord would allow one to rent part of their land and work on it. They would receive a part of their work in return for labor. However, this deal kept the renter in constant debt between the landlord, the creditor, and himself.
  • Carpetbaggers and Scalawags were usually southern white republicans. Carpetbaggers were Northerners who lived in the South after the civil war. They sought to help the former slaves. Scalawags were Southern whites who supported the Republican party during Reconstruction. These groups were often targeted alongside blacks by groups such as the KKK.
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