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Buddhism storyboard
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Texte du Storyboard

  • Siddhartha was born a prince. His father ruled akingdom in Nepal so he grew in a life of wealth..
  • Siddhartha was walking outside the palace when he discovered human suffering.He became upset and wondered the point of life.
  • After meditating, Siddhartha gets enlightenment. The enlightenment hasbecome the principal teachings of Buddhism. He became a Buddha.
  • Reincarnation: the rebirth of a soulKarma: the idea that the soul carries the effects of the past good/bad deedsDharma: your duties but for Buddhists dharma represents the teachings of the Buddha Nirvana: People are equal and are able to achieve enlightenment
  • Basic Beliefs
  • The Tripitaka is a holy book and this book includes The Four Noble TruthsDukkha: All life is suffering Samudaya: There is a cause for suffering Nirodha: There is an end to suffering Magga: In order to end suffering you must follow the Eightfold Path
  • Sacred Text: Tripitaka & the Four Noble Truths
  • The Eightfold Path is the path to enlightenment and the way to end suffering The Three Mindful PracticesWisdom: Right understanding of the 4 Noble Truths Right thinkingVirtue: Right speech Right conductRight livelihoodConcentration: Right effort Right mindfulness Right concentration
  • Eightfold Path
  • Basic Beliefs
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