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Monsters on Maple St. - Modern Adaptation

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatEXPOSITIONCONFLICTRISINGACTIONCLIMAXFALLINGACTIONRESOLUTIONOneday,inMrs.Ray'sclass,someonestolehercellphoneoutofherdesk.Sheknowsit'sstillintheclassroombecauseshehasGPS.Mrs.Raygiveseveryoneachancetoturnthephonein,noquestionsasked,butnoonedoes.Eachstudentispulledintothehallforquestioningoneatatime.Meanwhile,Jeremybeginshisownquestioning.Sinceafewkidsintheclasshavebeenaccusedofthisbeforehestartswiththem.Jeremytakesmattersintohisownhands,andthinksJamieisactingsuspicious.Hegrabsherbackpackandbeginstosearchit.EveryoneisonJeremy'sside,cheeringhimon.Theclassbeginstohearthephonering,andeveryoneispointingfingersateachother.Friendsareaccusingfriends.Noonewantsdetention,theyseethedeancoming...BeforetheDeanopensthedoorJeremyandJamiegetintoafistfight,VictoriascreamsatTori,andMarcussayshewillconfesstosavetheclass.Thedooropens,andit'sMrs.Ray.Shetellstheclassthatitwasallanexperiment​.Guys,myphone'snotinmydesk.Hasanyoneseenit?Ok,enoughfunandgames.Justreturnitandnoonewillgetdetention!Lucy,canyoustepoutside,please?Youcan'tjusttakemybagandlookinit!IbetitwasFrank!Youdidit!Noonestolemyphone.Thiswasanexperimenttoseehowfastyou'dturnononeanother..."
Monsters on Maple St. - Modern Adaptation
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Monsters on Maple St. Modern Adaptation storyboard graphic organizer

Texte du Storyboard

  • Guys, my phone's not in my desk. Has anyone seen it?
  • Ok, enough fun and games. Just return it and no one will get detention!
  • Lucy, can you step outside, please?
  • One day, in Mrs. Ray's class, someone stole her cell phone out of her desk. She knows it's still in the classroom because she has GPS.
  • Mrs. Ray gives everyone a chance to turn the phone in, no questions asked, but no one does.
  • You did it!
  • Each student is pulled into the hall for questioning one at a time. Meanwhile, Jeremy begins his own questioning. Since a few kids in the class have been accused of this before he starts with them.
  • No one stole my phone. This was an experiment to see how fast you'd turn on one another..."
  • Jeremy takes matters into his own hands, and thinks Jamie is acting suspicious. He grabs her backpack and begins to search it. Everyone is on Jeremy's side, cheering him on.
  • You can't just take my bag and look in it!
  • The class begins to hear the phone ring, and everyone is pointing fingers at each other. Friends are accusing friends. No one wants detention, they see the dean coming...
  • I bet it was Frank!
  • Before the Dean opens the door Jeremy and Jamie get into a fist fight, Victoria screams at Tori, and Marcus says he will confess to save the class. The door opens, and it's Mrs. Ray. She tells the class that it was all an experiment​.
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