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Macbeth Tragic Hero

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Create your own at Storyboard That HAMARTIAHUBRISPERIPETEIAANAGNORISISNEMESISCATHARSISThe Three Witches tell Macbeth a prophecy that causes Macbeth to take matters into his hands (ambition).Macbeth’s pride combines with his ambition, and that of his wife. They plot to kill the current King so that he can usurp the throne.After killing the King and numerous others, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth become suspicious and paranoid. Macbeth discovers that the former king's son is planning a rebellion against him.In the end, the witches' final prophecy comes true and Macbeth is killed.​The audience is left with the feeling of pity that Macbeth was tempted by the witches, and fear that they could also do terrible things out of ambition. The battle is won! ALL HAIL KING MALCOLM! The tyrantand his fiend wife aredead. Lady Macbeth, Ifear our murderous deeds.
Macbeth Tragic Hero
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Résumé du Hameau et Plans de Cours

Le Héros Tragique

Plans de Cours par Rebecca Ray

Les héros tragiques peuvent être vus à la télévision, au cinéma et dans la littérature. Il est essentiel de définir cet archétype et de comprendre comment ils affectent une intrigue. En utilisant des storyboards, les élèves créent une manière interactive d'intérioriser le concept et de construire un cadre pour repérer les héros tragiques à travers la littérature.


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Storyboard Description

The Tragedy of Macbeth Tragic Hero | Macbeth's Peripeteia | Teaching the Tragic Hero Archetype

Texte du Storyboard

  • Lady Macbeth, I fear our murderous deeds.
  • The Three Witches tell Macbeth a prophecy that causes Macbeth to take matters into his hands (ambition).
  • Macbeth’s pride combines with his ambition, and that of his wife. They plot to kill the current King so that he can usurp the throne.
  • The battle is won! ALL HAIL KING MALCOLM! The tyrant and his fiend wife are dead.
  • After killing the King and numerous others, Macbeth and Lady Macbeth become suspicious and paranoid.
  • Macbeth discovers that the former king's son is planning a rebellion against him.
  • In the end, the witches' final prophecy comes true and Macbeth is killed.​
  • The audience is left with the feeling of pity that Macbeth was tempted by the witches, and fear that they could also do terrible things out of ambition.
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