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Fahrenheit 451 Themes

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Create your own at Storyboard ThatImageAttributions:InTheNews(,thepeopleinthisfuturisticsocietyhavetheperceptionof'knowledge'.FromthelargeroleofmediainthesocietytotheinteractiveTVdramasthatincorporatetheviewer,thepeopleappearwell-connectedandinformed.However,thisisnottrue;societyhasimmersedthemselvesinthemediatothepointthattheyhavebecomeignorant.Insteadofthinkingdeeplyandgainingknowledgefrombooksandeducation,theyhaveretreatedintoshallowfeelingsandmedia.Censorshipreferstotheexaminationofbooks,movies,letters,etc.,inordertoremovethingsthatareconsideredoffensive,immoral,harmfultosociety,andsoon.Inthenovel,booksarebannedbecausethegovernmentbelievestheyaredangeroustosociety.People'sthoughtsaswellastheiractionsarecensored.WhenMontagtriestoexplainhiscuriositywithbookstohiswife,sheturnshimintotheauthoritiesoutoffear.EXPLANATIONEVIDENCECENSORSHIPKNOWLEDGEvsIGNORANCE
Fahrenheit 451 Themes
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Fahrenheit 451 Themes analysis including Censorship

Texte du Storyboard

  • From the beginning, the people in this futuristic society have the perception of 'knowledge'. From the large role of media in the society to the interactive TV dramas that incorporate the viewer, the people appear well-connected and informed.
  • However, this is not true; society has immersed themselves in the media to the point that they have become ignorant. Instead of thinking deeply and gaining knowledge from books and education, they have retreated into shallow feelings and media.
  • Censorship refers to the examination of books, movies, letters, etc., in order to remove things that are considered offensive, immoral, harmful to society, and so on. In the novel, books are banned because the government believes they are dangerous to society.
  • People's thoughts as well as their actions are censored. When Montag tries to explain his curiosity with books to his wife, she turns him into the authorities out of fear.

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