When a person says or writes one thing and means another, or uses words to mean the opposite of the literal meaning.
This is verbal irony since Montresor was planning on killing him, he knew his cough would not.
Yes I am Fine! A cough won't kill me!
Just a bit further in the catacombs! You will love the wine! Are you sure you want to continue, your cough is bad?
..You were right my friend, a cough won't kill you!
When a person says or writes one thing and means another, or uses words to mean the opposite of the literal meaning.
This is verbal irony since Montresor was planning on killing him, he knew his cough would not.
Yes I am Fine! A cough won't kill me!
Just a bit further in the catacombs! You will love the wine! Are you sure you want to continue, your cough is bad?
..You were right my friend, a cough won't kill you!
When a person says or writes one thing and means another, or uses words to mean the opposite of the literal meaning.
This is verbal irony since Montresor was planning on killing him, he knew his cough would not.
Yes I am Fine! A cough won't kill me!
Just a bit further in the catacombs! You will love the wine! Are you sure you want to continue, your cough is bad?
..You were right my friend, a cough won't kill you!