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Two Roads Story Board

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Two Roads Story Board
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Texte du Storyboard

  • Exposition
  • We abide by the Ethical Code.
  • I take care of you, you take care of me.
  • Conflict
  • Now that I'm going to Washington, you will be sent to Challagi, where you will be Creek Indian
  • So, I will be sent to Challagi and I will be Creek Indian?  Now I'm confused, Creek, myself, Creek, myself.
  • Rising Action
  • Hey there! Nice to meet you Cal!
  • Cal and Pop are two hoboes on the road. They are looking for a place to live . We see how they are interacting by saying ho w they abide by the Ethical Code and how they take care of each other.
  • Climax
  • I know what we are all feeling! We're truly brothers!
  • Cal finds out that Pop will travel to Washington without him. He will be sent to Challagi during Pop's time at Washington. He finds out that he his Creek Indian, where he keeps struggling with his new identity.
  • Falling Action
  • Cal and Pop arrive at Challagi. Cal gets anxious by looking at all the chores they have to do, knowing that he will need to do them. Cal receives a tour of the school and meets his new friends: Possum, Deacon, Little Coon, and Bear Meat (head of the Challagi creek gang).
  • Resolution
  • Hey Pop, you know I met new friends: Bear Meat, Possum, Deacon, and Little Coon. We were doing a sweat lodge ritual where we cleansed our body and made our friendship stronger. I was having some visions and I shared them with my friends, which made it stronger.
  • Deacon, Little Coon, Possum and Cal are doing a ritual in the lodge, where they take their clothes off and cleanse their body. During the ritual, they sing, go into the river, and made their friendship stronger. After the sweat, they felt as if they were brothers.
  • Cal and Dakota get on a train to find Pop. He met a woman named Gale, a hobo doctor who spoke and taught him about the Bonus Army. He was visualizing everything Gale was telling him.
  • Cal arrives to Washington and tells Pop about his experiences at Challagi, including the visions and the sweat lodge ritual. He is happy to see Pop again, but he wants to return to Challagi during the next school year to be with his friends.
  • Sure. I would like to return to Challagi. I would like to see my friends again.
  • Glad to see you Cal. I've been worried about you when you were at Challagi. I hope you have enjoyed being with your friends. That is quite a story. So, Cal would you like to return to Challagi next year?
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