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Discussion Storyboard on Solid, Liquid and Gas - Middle School

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Create your own at Storyboard That The students have collected an icicle from outside and it is melting. They want to know what happens to the particles as the icicle melts.SaraChelseaJoseCurtis Who do you think is correct? The particles in the ice and liquid water are the same, just arranged differently. The liquid water particles are bigger than the ice particles. The ice particlesare a different color than the liquid water particles. The ice particlesare a different type of particle from the liquid water particles.
Discussion Storyboard on Solid, Liquid and Gas - Middle School
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Plans de Cours Pour les Discussions Scientifiques

Science Discussion Storyboards

Par Olivier Smith

Un storyboard de discussion est un storyboard conçu pour promouvoir la discussion en classe. Chaque storyboard est une situation ou une question qui est associée à un visuel et à différents points de vue sur la situation.


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Storyboard Description

Science Discussion - what happens to the particles when icicles melt?

Texte du Storyboard

  • Who do you think is correct?
  • The particles in the ice and liquid water are the same, just arranged differently.
  • The liquid water particles are bigger than the ice particles.
  • The ice particles are a different color than the liquid water particles.
  • The ice particles are a different type of particle from the liquid water particles.
  • The students have collected an icicle from outside and it is melting. They want to know what happens to the particles as the icicle melts.
  • Sara
  • Chelsea
  • Jose
  • Curtis
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