CC: Reporter 1: So, here's the deal, the people don't necessarily just choice their president. Our Government works on a Winner-Take-All system. This means that the people choose the presidential electors that will then represent the voters in making a decision on who will become president. The StatesElectoral College will elect the president and Vice president. The electoral college is a group of state representatives getting together to elect the President and Vice President.
My platforms are clearly more concise and stable, it would be brainless to vote for this guy!
Haha! keep it down old man we all know the youth is going to change the world.
CC: Reporter 2: After the candidates are elected for each party, they will begin to Debate. A debate is a 1on1 confrontation with the candidates for each party explaining why their platforms are more efficient. A swing voter won't be affected by the candidates attempts to make the public vote for their party, because swing voters are voters that vote for a candidate based on their platforms and not their parties.
CC:Reporter 1: Once a Candidatewins the election they must then be sworn in through an Inauguration. AnInaugurationis an event in which the winner of the presidential election process will be sworn into office and officially become the president of the United States!
And that's how I became the President of the United States of America! That old chump stood no chance!
Well that's the electoral process from start to finish! We hope your kids learned something and have a great night America!
Presidential Election Process - /
Winner Take all system and Electoral College -
Chapters 13-17 Notes
January 6th
CC: Reporter 1: So, here's the deal, the people don't necessarily just choice their president. Our Government works on a Winner-Take-All system. This means that the people choose the presidential electors that will then represent the voters in making a decision on who will become president. The StatesElectoral College will elect the president and Vice president. The electoral college is a group of state representatives getting together to elect the President and Vice President.
My platforms are clearly more concise and stable, it would be brainless to vote for this guy!
Haha! keep it down old man we all know the youth is going to change the world.
CC: Reporter 2: After the candidates are elected for each party, they will begin to Debate. A debate is a 1on1 confrontation with the candidates for each party explaining why their platforms are more efficient. A swing voter won't be affected by the candidates attempts to make the public vote for their party, because swing voters are voters that vote for a candidate based on their platforms and not their parties.
CC:Reporter 1: Once a Candidatewins the election they must then be sworn in through an Inauguration. AnInaugurationis an event in which the winner of the presidential election process will be sworn into office and officially become the president of the United States!
And that's how I became the President of the United States of America! That old chump stood no chance!
Well that's the electoral process from start to finish! We hope your kids learned something and have a great night America!
Presidential Election Process - /
Winner Take all system and Electoral College -
Chapters 13-17 Notes
January 6th
CC: Reporter 1: So, here's the deal, the people don't necessarily just choice their president. Our Government works on a Winner-Take-All system. This means that the people choose the presidential electors that will then represent the voters in making a decision on who will become president. The StatesElectoral College will elect the president and Vice president. The electoral college is a group of state representatives getting together to elect the President and Vice President.
My platforms are clearly more concise and stable, it would be brainless to vote for this guy!
Haha! keep it down old man we all know the youth is going to change the world.
CC: Reporter 2: After the candidates are elected for each party, they will begin to Debate. A debate is a 1on1 confrontation with the candidates for each party explaining why their platforms are more efficient. A swing voter won't be affected by the candidates attempts to make the public vote for their party, because swing voters are voters that vote for a candidate based on their platforms and not their parties.
CC:Reporter 1: Once a Candidatewins the election they must then be sworn in through an Inauguration. AnInaugurationis an event in which the winner of the presidential election process will be sworn into office and officially become the president of the United States!
And that's how I became the President of the United States of America! That old chump stood no chance!
Well that's the electoral process from start to finish! We hope your kids learned something and have a great night America!
Presidential Election Process - /
Winner Take all system and Electoral College -
Chapters 13-17 Notes
January 6th
CC: Reporter 1: So, here's the deal, the people don't necessarily just choice their president. Our Government works on a Winner-Take-All system. This means that the people choose the presidential electors that will then represent the voters in making a decision on who will become president. The StatesElectoral College will elect the president and Vice president. The electoral college is a group of state representatives getting together to elect the President and Vice President.
My platforms are clearly more concise and stable, it would be brainless to vote for this guy!
Haha! keep it down old man we all know the youth is going to change the world.
CC: Reporter 2: After the candidates are elected for each party, they will begin to Debate. A debate is a 1on1 confrontation with the candidates for each party explaining why their platforms are more efficient. A swing voter won't be affected by the candidates attempts to make the public vote for their party, because swing voters are voters that vote for a candidate based on their platforms and not their parties.
CC:Reporter 1: Once a Candidatewins the election they must then be sworn in through an Inauguration. AnInaugurationis an event in which the winner of the presidential election process will be sworn into office and officially become the president of the United States!
And that's how I became the President of the United States of America! That old chump stood no chance!
Well that's the electoral process from start to finish! We hope your kids learned something and have a great night America!
Presidential Election Process - /
Winner Take all system and Electoral College -
Chapters 13-17 Notes
January 6th
CC: Reporter 1: So, here's the deal, the people don't necessarily just choice their president. Our Government works on a Winner-Take-All system. This means that the people choose the presidential electors that will then represent the voters in making a decision on who will become president. The StatesElectoral College will elect the president and Vice president. The electoral college is a group of state representatives getting together to elect the President and Vice President.
My platforms are clearly more concise and stable, it would be brainless to vote for this guy!
Haha! keep it down old man we all know the youth is going to change the world.
CC: Reporter 2: After the candidates are elected for each party, they will begin to Debate. A debate is a 1on1 confrontation with the candidates for each party explaining why their platforms are more efficient. A swing voter won't be affected by the candidates attempts to make the public vote for their party, because swing voters are voters that vote for a candidate based on their platforms and not their parties.
CC:Reporter 1: Once a Candidatewins the election they must then be sworn in through an Inauguration. AnInaugurationis an event in which the winner of the presidential election process will be sworn into office and officially become the president of the United States!
And that's how I became the President of the United States of America! That old chump stood no chance!
Well that's the electoral process from start to finish! We hope your kids learned something and have a great night America!
Presidential Election Process - /
Winner Take all system and Electoral College -
Chapters 13-17 Notes
January 6th
CC: Reporter 1: So, here's the deal, the people don't necessarily just choice their president. Our Government works on a Winner-Take-All system. This means that the people choose the presidential electors that will then represent the voters in making a decision on who will become president. The StatesElectoral College will elect the president and Vice president. The electoral college is a group of state representatives getting together to elect the President and Vice President.
My platforms are clearly more concise and stable, it would be brainless to vote for this guy!
Haha! keep it down old man we all know the youth is going to change the world.
CC: Reporter 2: After the candidates are elected for each party, they will begin to Debate. A debate is a 1on1 confrontation with the candidates for each party explaining why their platforms are more efficient. A swing voter won't be affected by the candidates attempts to make the public vote for their party, because swing voters are voters that vote for a candidate based on their platforms and not their parties.
CC:Reporter 1: Once a Candidatewins the election they must then be sworn in through an Inauguration. AnInaugurationis an event in which the winner of the presidential election process will be sworn into office and officially become the president of the United States!
And that's how I became the President of the United States of America! That old chump stood no chance!
Well that's the electoral process from start to finish! We hope your kids learned something and have a great night America!
Presidential Election Process - /
Winner Take all system and Electoral College -
Chapters 13-17 Notes
January 6th
CC: Reporter 1: So, here's the deal, the people don't necessarily just choice their president. Our Government works on a Winner-Take-All system. This means that the people choose the presidential electors that will then represent the voters in making a decision on who will become president. The StatesElectoral College will elect the president and Vice president. The electoral college is a group of state representatives getting together to elect the President and Vice President.
My platforms are clearly more concise and stable, it would be brainless to vote for this guy!
Haha! keep it down old man we all know the youth is going to change the world.
CC: Reporter 2: After the candidates are elected for each party, they will begin to Debate. A debate is a 1on1 confrontation with the candidates for each party explaining why their platforms are more efficient. A swing voter won't be affected by the candidates attempts to make the public vote for their party, because swing voters are voters that vote for a candidate based on their platforms and not their parties.
CC:Reporter 1: Once a Candidatewins the election they must then be sworn in through an Inauguration. AnInaugurationis an event in which the winner of the presidential election process will be sworn into office and officially become the president of the United States!
And that's how I became the President of the United States of America! That old chump stood no chance!
Well that's the electoral process from start to finish! We hope your kids learned something and have a great night America!
Presidential Election Process - /
Winner Take all system and Electoral College -
Chapters 13-17 Notes
January 6th