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Printable School Fire Drill Story | Transitions in Social Situations

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Printable School Fire Drill Story | Transitions in Social Situations
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Plans de Cours sur les Transitions D'histoires Sociales

Histoires Sociales Pour les Transitions et Événements Inattendus

par Natasha Lupiani

Les personnes atteintes de troubles du spectre autistique prospèrent grâce à la routine et à la structure, mais la routine n'est pas toujours possible. Parfois, une transition ou un événement inattendu se produit et modifie une routine. L'intégration d'histoires sociales sur les transitions à venir courantes et les événements inattendus peut aider à préparer les élèves et à réduire l'anxiété face au changement.


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Storyboard Description

Special Ed Social Stories for Transitions. Create your own social stories!

Texte du Storyboard

  • What's that noise?! It's loud!
  • I'm scared!
  • That's the fire alarm. It's just a drill.
  • Nouns!
  • It's ok class, it's a fire drill. Line up single file, and we will walk outside together.
  • That wasn't bad at all!
  • Going outside was actually fun!
  • Sometimes at school there are fire drills. The fire alarm rings, and it is very loud.
  • Your teacher gives you directions and makes sure you are safe.
  • During a fire drill, you will have to wait with your class and teacher outside, until you are told it's ok to go back in.
  • After the fire drill, you go back inside and go back to class.
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