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Act 4 Scene 3 Macbeth

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Act 4 Scene 3 Macbeth
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  • Act 4 Scene 3
  • Macduff:No, not to live. O nation miserable! With an untitled tyrant bloody-scepter'd,When shalt thou see thy wholesome days again
  • Malcom:Macduff, this noble passion,Child of integrity, hath from my soulWiped the black scruples, reconciled my thoughtsTo thy good truth and honor.
  • Act 4 Scene 3
  • Ross: Sir, amen.
  • Macduff:Stands Scotland where it did?
  • Act 4 Scene 3
  • Ross:Your castle is surprised; your wife and babesSavagely slaughter'd. To relate the manner Were, on the quarry of these murther'd deer,To add the death of you.
  • Macduff:Merciful heaven!What, man! Neer pull your hat upon your brows;Give sorrow words. The grief that does not speak
  • Macduff and Malcom were arguing about who is ready to be a king and how I steady to prove it
  • Act 4 Scene 3
  • Macduff: He has no children. All my pretty ones? Did you say all? O hell-kite! All?
  • Malcom: Be comforted.Let's make us medicines of our great revenge,To cure this deadly grief.
  • Ross came to update Macduff on how Scotland is holding up with him being gone
  • Act 4 Scene 3
  • Macduff:I shall do so, But I must also feel it as a man. I cannot but remember such things were That were most precious to me. Did heaven look on, And would not take their part? Sinful Macduff, They were all struck for thee! Naught that I am, Not for their own demerits, but for mine, Fell slaughter on their souls. Heaven rest them now!
  • Malcom:Dispute it like a man.
  • Ross broke the news to Macduff about Macbeth killing his wife and kids and anyone who was in sight of Macbeth
  • Act 4 Scene 3
  • Macduff:O, I could play the woman with mine eyes And braggart with my tongue! But, gentle heavens, Cut short all intermission; front to front Bring thou this fiend of Scotland and myself; Within my sword's length set him; if he 'scape, Heaven forgive him too!
  • Malcom:This tune goes manly. Come, go we to the King; our power is ready, Our lack is nothing but our leave. Macbeth Is ripe for shaking, and the powers above Put on their instruments. Receive what cheer you may, The night is long that never finds the day. Exeunt.
  • Malcom tries to tell Macduff to turn is pain into anger and revenge rather than not doing anything at all
  • Macduff is trying to figure out how to go about this incident, he is trying to act out like a man like Malcom is telling him to do
  • Finally they make a plan to go back to Scotland and murder Macbeth and get revenge on what Macbeth did to Macduff
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