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First day

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First day
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Texte du Storyboard

  • Oh no, not today!!!
  • The morning of the first day of school started with a bang! Lighting crashed outside just as my parents yelled for me to wake up. It was only 5:30 in the morning, still dark, with a storm raging as I made my bed.
  • I was filled with dread as I listened to the rain pelting the house. I knew my shoes would be soaked by the time I walked to school. As the wind howled outside, I realized that my whole outfit would be soaked by the time I walked to school!
  • The road's are to floded to get to work
  • On the bright side we can drive you to school
  • It was my job to take care of the dogs in the morning. I had to let the dogs outside and the storm was so strong that even they didn't want to go outside. I wanted to cry every time I thought about the long walk to school.
  • I got showered, dressed, and ready to go. As much as I did not want to walk through this storm, I knew I had no choice. The only thing I could do was hope the storm would ease up, as I thought this I heard the storm grow stronger, and lighting crashed again outside.
  • Suddenly my parents burst in the front door! They were soaking wet, shaking with fear, and told me that the roads were too flooded to drive to work. They had decided to stay home- which meant that they could drive me to school. All of my dread and anxiety left my body.
  • My Dad drove me right up to the school. He pulled as close as he could so I wouldn't be out in the storm for long. I arrived at school dry and ready for my first day.
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