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Critical Thinking Skills Graphic Organizer

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Problem Solving

An important part of critical thinking is examining and analyzing something. This could include written text, actual data, or a problem that is presented.

Oftentimes students will share their thoughts and conclusions with a group or a partner, and have to collaborate in some way. Being able to work with others and communicate effectively is a key element to critical thinking.

Another important skill for a critical thinker is innovation and creativity; not being afraid to think out of the box, try something different, and approach things from all angles is key.

A critical thinker is someone who is able to think without judgement, bias, or assumption. It is important to simply pay attention to the information itself and draw conclusions with a clear mind.

Perhaps the most important skill of a critical thinker is the ability to solve problems. Problem solving includes understanding the problem, coming up with and implementing a solution, and assessing the outcome of your plan.


Ask Questions


Notice Patterns

Actively Listen




Make Connections



Be Curious





Make Decisions


Pay Attention to Detail


Critical Thinking Skills Graphic Organizer
Storyboard That

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Vous pouvez trouver ce storyboard dans les articles et ressources suivants:
Compétences de Pensée Critique Pour les Étudiants

Développer des Compétences de Pensée Critique

par Lauren Ayube

La pensée critique est le processus actif de collecte et d'analyse d'informations afin de se forger une opinion ou un jugement . Elle n'est pas limitée à une certaine matière ou à un niveau scolaire, mais plutôt à la capacité générale de penser de manière claire et rationnelle.


Découvrez quelques-uns de nos autres articles éducatifs!

Storyboard Description

Developing Critical Thinking Skills in students is key. The most important ones are analysis, communication, creativity, open-mindedness, and problem solving.

Texte du Storyboard

  • Analysis
  • Interpret
  • Research
  • Ask Questions
  • Notice Patterns
  • Communication
  • Actively Listen
  • Present
  • Explain
  • Creativity
  • Infer
  • Make Connections
  • Imagine
  • Predict
  • Be Curious
  • Diversity
  • Open-Mindedness
  • Objectivity
  • Inclusivity
  • Fairness
  • Problem Solving
  • Pay Attention to Detail
  • Make Decisions
  • Clarify
  • Evaluate
  • An important part of critical thinking is examining and analyzing something. This could include written text, actual data, or a problem that is presented.
  • Oftentimes students will share their thoughts and conclusions with a group or a partner, and have to collaborate in some way. Being able to work with others and communicate effectively is a key element to critical thinking.
  • Another important skill for a critical thinker is innovation and creativity; not being afraid to think out of the box, try something different, and approach things from all angles is key.
  • A critical thinker is someone who is able to think without judgement, bias, or assumption. It is important to simply pay attention to the information itself and draw conclusions with a clear mind.
  • Perhaps the most important skill of a critical thinker is the ability to solve problems. Problem solving includes understanding the problem, coming up with and implementing a solution, and assessing the outcome of your plan.
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