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Critical Thinking

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Critical Thinking
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Compétences de Pensée Critique Pour les Étudiants

Développer des Compétences de Pensée Critique

par Lauren Ayube

La pensée critique est le processus actif de collecte et d'analyse d'informations afin de se forger une opinion ou un jugement . Elle n'est pas limitée à une certaine matière ou à un niveau scolaire, mais plutôt à la capacité générale de penser de manière claire et rationnelle.


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Storyboard Description

Critical thinking is a skill that should be developed in students as early as possible, and will prepare them for life ahead!

Texte du Storyboard

  • I have an idea!
  • What should I do?
  • Hey Mike, can I have the answers to 3 and 4?
  • Okay, time to think critically!
  • Sammy and his friend are building with blocks. They are trying to build a tall tower that doesn't fall down, but don't know how to begin. Sammy uses his critical thinking skills to make a plan.
  • Mike's friend wants to see his answers on the test. Mike wants to help his friend, but he doesn't want to get into trouble. Mike uses his critical thinking skills to help him decide what to do.
  • Katie is a nurse who has several patients to help today. As she decides how to proceed, she uses her critical thinking skills to decide the order in which to treat the patients.
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