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Invasion of Abyssinia

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Invasion of Abyssinia
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  • Mussolini's Rise to Power 1922
  • The Great Depression 1929
  • Italy and Abyssinia Clash 1934
  • Benito Mussolini, the fascist Italian dictator rose to power in 1922, taking advantage of the state of the country- people unhappy at the result of the Treaty of Versailles. Mussolini seizes control in the "March on Rome" and promises a "second Roman Empire"
  • The League Steps In 1935
  • Economic collapse had hit Italy much like other countries- bankruptcy, high unemployment etc. This acted as a catalyst for Mussolini to take action, and he sought to expand Italian territory to distract from the domestic problems and solve them this way.
  • Britain and France Step In 1935
  • 50 miles inland of Abyssinian borders, Italian and Abyssinian troops clashed at the Wal Wal Oasis in December. Mussolini turned the blame on Abyssinia and demanded an apology and compensation from their Emperor. By October the next year, Mussolini invades.
  • Abyssinia Annexed 1936
  • In January, before the full invasion, Emperor Haille Selassie appealed to the League. The November after the invasion, the League imposes economic sanctions on Italy to cut them off but it has little effect, as they still get oil (vital for military) from the USA.
  • In the meantime, Hitler announced rearmament plans. In March, France, Britain and Italy met at Stresa where they formed the Stresa Front to condemn Hitler's actions. The Hoare Laval Pact of the British and French foreign ministers was made in December.
  • The Hoare Laval Pact was essentially giving Abyssinia to Italy. but it did not go into action due to strong objections from the public and LON. Mussolini was furious at the lack of help from the Allies and formally annexed Abyssinia by 9th May 1936.
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