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Earthquakes Comics John Karlo Tan

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Earthquakes Comics John Karlo Tan
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Texte du Storyboard

  • Earthquakes occur without warning and can affect a wide area of people. Understanding your risk factors will help a lot when earthquakes happen
  • Know your Earthquake risk and be prepared is the only solution to survive in an earthquake
  • very good.
  • What do we need to do when earthquake comes?
  • Make A plan.
  • Make a Plan.Putting together an earthquake recovery of preparedness plan is essential for both homeowners and busunessowners at risk of earthquakes.
  • What do you think we need to plan before an earthquake?
  • Food ,water, flashlight, battery -powered radio , extra batteries , first aid kit , multi- purpose tool.
  • Very Good Anna ... thank you .
  • Very Good April , anything else... ??
  • medication at least a 7-days supply, copies of personal documents-- proof of address , medical info, birth certificates , insurance polices , duct tape , scissors , extra clothing , maches, emergency blanket.
  • Knowing your risk and being prepared in the event of a disaster are two key elements in preparing for an earthquake .
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