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A Buddhizmus Irodalmi Kapcsolata: a Bodhi-fa Alatt

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A Buddhizmus Irodalmi Kapcsolata: a Bodhi-fa Alatt
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Storyboard Description

A tanárok az irodalom segítségével segíthetik a tanulókat a történelem folyamán különböző emberek, helyek, események és ötletek vizualizálásában és megértésében. A tanárok külön könyveket rendelhettek a diákokhoz külön-külön vagy csoportosan, vagy akár egy egész = osztályt is felolvashattak. Az elolvasás után a hallgatók elmesélhetik a történet fő részeit egy elbeszélő forgatókönyv segítségével.

Texte du Storyboard

  • YOUNG Siddartha
  • Kinti Palota
  • Long, long ago in the Lumbini Province of India, a baby boy was born named Siddhartha Gautama. He was born a prince and was raised in a life of luxury.
  • Right Concentration
  • Siddhartha grew to be a kind and gentle child. Once he found a wounded swan and nursed it back to health. Like the swan, Siddhartha wanted to spread his wings, but his father wanted to keep him away from the outside world in order to keep him safe and hidden away from any pain and sadness.
  • Right Understanding
  • Right Thought
  • Siddhartha was allowed to visit the city and his father ordered a festival so his son would only see happy sights. But Siddhartha explored and saw someone who was sick, someone who was old, and someone who had died. After seeing suffering, he thought, How can I help others? His father wanted him to succeed him as a ruler but Siddhartha said: "Even the wisest ruler cannot stop sickness, old age, and death. I want to find a way to help people live with inner peace."
  • Siddhartha utazása során talált egy fát, és alatta ült meditálni. Sok nap múlva egy nő meglátta, és azt hitte, hogy éhes, ezért rizst és tejet hozott neki. Siddhartha megköszönte kedvességét. Folytatta a meditációt, és jobban megértette a világot. Ezt a fát Bodhi-fának hívják, ami megvilágosodást jelent.
  • Right Mindfulness
  • When fears and worries came into his mind, Siddhartha kept meditating so his mind was still and peaceful. Just before dawn, he saw the morning star in the east. He felt himself soar fully alive and saw how all of life fit together. His ideas became the Eightfold Path. With his new enlightenment, Siddhartha became The Awakened One, the Buddha.
  • Right Effort
  • Right Livelihood
  • Right Action
  • Right Speech
  • After achieving enlightenment, Buddha went out into the world to teach others the way to inner peace. Those who follow his teachings are called Buddhists. But anyone can learn to lead with a life centered around compassion and find their own inner peace.
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