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Budizam Praznici i Festivali

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Budizam Praznici i Festivali
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Storyboard Description

Ključna značajka mnogih glavnih religija su njihovi praznici i festivali. Studenti mogu koristiti kartu pauka kako bi ilustrirali i opisali glavne praznike svjetske religije. Ova se scena usredotočuje na budističke praznike.

Texte du Storyboard

  • During the Full Moon! During the Full Moon!
  • svibanj
  • Like most Asian traditions, Buddhists follow a lunar calendar. Every month in the lunar calendar begins when there is a new moon and each month lasts 29-30 days. Each Buddhist year is about 10 days shorter than the Western year. The important days of the month for Buddhists are days when there is a full moon or a new moon.
  • The main festival of the year is Buddha Day, Wesak, or Vesak. It is a celebration of the Buddha's birth, enlightenment, and death. Homes are decorated with colorful lanterns and flags. Buddhists visit their local temples for services and teachings, and give offerings to the monks. 
  • New Year is a time for meditation, self reflection, and finding ways to improve oneself. It also includes cleaning and decorating the home and giving gifts for good luck. Many Buddhists observe the Chinese New Year celebration, however others may celebrate on a different day. It is dependent on the country and the sect of Buddhism.
  • July
  • Važan budistički ODMOR
  • veljača
  • Dharma dan se slavi u koju Theravada budisti na dan punog mjeseca srpnja. Označava početak Budinog učenja. Ubrzo nakon Budinog prosvjetljenja, otišao je pronaći svoje učenike i ispričati im svoje iskustvo.
  • Dan Parinirvane, ili Dan Nirvane, obilježava dan kada je Buda umro i postigao Parinirvanu (potpunu Nirvanu). Kaže se da je Buddha, kad je imao 81 godinu, znao da je došlo vrijeme da umre, pa je legao i umro mirno pod istim drvetom Bodhi gdje je prvi put postigao prosvjetljenje. Primjećuje se u veljači.
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