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  • "We do need money because of the war, so here I'll give you $15 million for 828,000 square miles."
  • "Lets see how we can get this great land from France!"
  • Louisiana Purchase
  • April 30th 1803, Paris finalizing the purchase
  • Thomas Jefferson buying land from French Military leader Napoleon Bonaparte
  • Great! this is huge!
  • Louisiana Purchase
  • The Removal of the Indians In the southeast by Andrew Jackson
  • Andrew Jackson in the white about to sign for the removal of the Indians in the southeast
  • This land belonged to the 5 civilized
  • Th
  • This was during the trail of tears act which was there journey to a new land
  • Indian removal of the southeast official signing.
  • We want the Indians out, this is our land! it will be better for them
  • Between 1836-1857 the removal of the Indians in the southwest act was around, the US had so much power of the Native Americans when they weren't leaving there property's they decided to gather troops to remove them there selves.
  • Texas vs. Mexico the battle of the Alamo
  • The Texans led by Davy Crocket, fought because they are got to the point with the Mexicans that they had to fight back at the Mexicans for treating they way the which was forcing the way they live upon the Texans, therefore this fight was Texas's way of resisting to comply with the Mexicos ways. Even though Mexico won the was a huge way to say and fight for what they beleived was right. This event happended 1836.
  • Lets move troops!!
  • General Santa Anna
  • General Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna returns with many troops, the number of troops vastly out numbered the Americans led by James Bowie.
  • Davy Crocket
  • I'm sick, LEAVE!
  • This event is significant to farmers not only because this purchase doubled the size of the original land and gave a lot of resources to it which attracted farmers because the fertile farmland could lead to cash crops, but it also caused the nation to gain a port city, population, political representation (etc.). Port cities are very important to the States now, and back in 1803 because nations need items from other countries/places that have recources that others do not have, we also got waterways that are very helpful, because that could attract others to come live there, because its water, and people could use it for hydration, direction, and transportation.
  • Mexican War and The Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalogo
  • From 1846-1848 this event took place
  •  In May of 1846 General Zachary Taylor was sent to defend the Rio Grande, later he captured his key city. He soon attacked Mexico City in 1847 where General Santa Anna and his troops retreated. General Steven Kearny and his troops won new Mexico with no fighting and California revolted
  • This event was significant for Indians specifically, because this caused the Indians to be forced to a new land where they did not know the resources they had, and most importantly they lost their culture. The other significance for the Indians is that when the 5 civilized tribes which were sent to live in Oklahoma where they would not be able to adapt correctly to the new environment, and many people died along the way "Trail of Tears" which caused a decrease in population for the natives, but the United States got more population, and political representation and many resources that could again atract peple to come live in that area.
  •  The Golden Oregon Territory
  • The Oregon trail was used to get every settler to Oregon
  • This event took place in the 1840's during James K Polk's manife-st destiny
  • The settlers traveling by cart and by wagon train made the travel through the Oregon Trail because the Oregon Trail was full of rough terrain. This was especially hard in large groups because of how long the travel would take
  • The reason this event was significant in that it was an indent in history saying the US are going fight back. After the Alamo the texans started winning and referring back to the Alamo, this event became there passion to fight and this led to the later events of Texas.
  • The best of the Buffalos
  • Take the shot
  • The buffalo's were very important to the Native Americans because of the recourses such as buffalo bones for tools, , fur for clothing, and they also used buffalo skin for shelter, buffalo was also apart of there culture.
  • James Bowie
  • The significance of this event is most importantly land, the land that America got from this war spanned from New Mexico to California, and throughout these states, there were many resources, and this could help bring farmers also slaves to live on these lands. , but Mexico lost half their land which could lead to a decrease in population.
  • The Manifest destiny was an idea by James K Polk for the US to span from the Pacific ocean to the Atlantic ocean.
  • California
  • New Mexico
  • After the war, a treaty was signed called the Treaty of Guadalupe Hidalgo the finalized the annexation of Texas through California to become part of the states
  • The significance of this particular event was how many resources a side of the fight would receive, these resources were mainly gold, and to finish the manifest destiny by James K Polk was to capture Oregon territory, to get there was the Oregon Trail, this trail consisted of rough terrane, mountains, (etc.) this contributed to many people dying along the way also the land was taken from the Natives that sparked a fight that caused many people of that communtiy to get injured.
  • But we want this valuable land
  • What about us?!
  • In 1844 there was a fight between the British and the American over the land, After the Americans won that land the boarder would be located along the 49th parallel, America later got Oregon Country which was home to Native Tribes. The US decided they'd just make them sign a treaty, some tribes did and some didn't so the more settlers came the more tension it would later create between them and the Natives, this lead to a fight and America had seized the land Oregon country
  • We need this land to complete the Manifest Destiny
  • The buffalo were very important to the Native Americans so the killing of the buffalo caused a decrease in population which could possibly cause a downfall. This also affected the Americans because it is a significant decrease in the animal population, this is significant because it shows how one small thing could affect a whole community.
  • Settlers such as this guy, began to kill the buffalo's for fun and it caused the Natives to suffer because they could not adapt.
  • Buffalo's stretched across the great plains and the west
  • This event took place in the mid 1870's
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