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Chemical Reaction

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Chemical Reaction
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  • Hey Rohit. Can you explain me the difference between physical and chemical changes?I'm confused.
  • Yes Mohit. I can help you with that. Come with me.
  • You see Mohit, this Vehicle is a prime example of both physical and chemical changes.
  • Rohit, Can you please elaborate, how?
  • Mohit, The vehicles are made up of iron which is example of physical change but iron is purified before making using it to make vehicles, which is example of chemical change.
  • This sounds interesting.
  • Mohit, this iceberg is a good example of physical change. It'll convert to water, then to vapour and will change to water again. or it may also come back here as snowfall or hail.
  • hmm, hmm. I think I got this, Rohit. but what about chemical changes?
  • That was great explanation, Rohit.
  • Mohit, the burning of wood is an excellent example of chemical change because here wood is producing heat, gases and ash. and most importantly, we cannot change it back to its original state after burning.
  • Thank you Rohit, for helping me.
  • Always happy to help a friend, Mohit.
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