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Texte du Storyboard

  • Forgetful
  • Sad
  • Hopeless
  • "[…] when a huge rushing shadow appeared in his line of vision and crashed into him and plunged him into a darkness from which he emerged very, very slowly. . . . 'Never, never, never run down that hill so fast that you don't stop at the corner,' his mother had warned him again and again" (Potok 67).
  • Curious
  • Who is that and where is he from? What happened to his arm? What's in the bag?
  • "His schoolmates were racing about, playing exuberantly, shouting and laughing with full voices. Their joyous sounds went ringing through the quiet street. Most times Zebra would stand alongside the basketball court or behind the wire screen at home plate and watch the games" (Potok 68).
  • Thoughtful
  • Such sad stories!
  • ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
  • "[…] The fingers were all there but like dead leaves that never fell, the ring and little fingers were rigid and curled, the others barely moved. The doctors said it would take time to bring them back to life. So many broken bones. So many many torn muscles and tendons. So many injured nerves. The dark shadow had sprung upon him so suddenly. How stupid, stupid, stupid, stupid he had been" (Potok 80).
  • The end
  • "When the man was about ten feet away, Zebra noticed that the left sleeve of his jacket was empty" (Potok 70). "[…] Zebra thought to ask the man what happened to him" (Potok 71). "'[…] is it okay to ask where--um--where Mr. Wilson from?'" (Potok 79). "'[…] how did Mr. Wilson--um--get hurt?'" (Potok 79).
  • "[…] he told a story about a bird that one day crashed against a closed windowpane and broke a wing. A boy tried to heal the wing but couldn't. The bird died, and the boy buried it under a tree on his lawn" (Potok 74).
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