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The banks of the Cherith and the Five Stones

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The banks of the Cherith and the Five Stones
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Texte du Storyboard

  • A work van pulls up to Baalate Ltd -large oil conglomorate. The letters OKU LTd (an independent body) are clearly seen on the work van -
  • well here goes
  • Baalate LtD
  • Our main protagonist Elisa is an independent compliance Lead working for OKU - she has been sent to Baalate Ltd to determine their operations and inspect their practices
  • Ofiicialy led by CEO Alan weakendale ,unofficially Baalate Ltd operates under the dictator leadership of CFO /Sister Astrid weakendale
  • Hello Ms Elisa - i hear your our new Compliance officer , I am Astrid the CFO here I tink you will find all of our files are compliant and above board - My PA's are on hand to assist with anything you need
  • Good Morning , I'm Elisa - compliance Lead from OKU Ltd , i am here to inspect your files , ill need absolute access
  • Back in the company basement
  • Baalate LtD Files
  • lets see what we have here
  • meanwhile !!!
  • we understand
  • Ms Weakendale
  • make sure you keep an eye on her , I dont want her digging too deep !! its not good when I get angry as you know
  • Yes Ms Weakendale
  • Baalate LtD
  • Baalate LtD Files
  • spens
  • Profits
  • Profits
  • Income - Profits
  • Hmm their Oil production is impressive I don't understand , how are they keeping their costs so low
  • sister I'm concerned about this audit - how will we explain our profits !!!
  • Layla the PA requests to talk with Elisa in Private
  • Meanwhile in the company basement
  • brother you worry too much , she will never know and even if she does, I will handle it
  • Layla the PA requests to talk with Elisa in Private
  • Baalate LtD Files
  • spens
  • Profits
  • Profits
  • Ring Ring
  • Restricted
  • Income - Profits
  • What is this file ? why restricted
  • Agent Ajani - OKU Ltd
  • Agent Ajani - OKU LtD
  • Layla the PA requests to talk with Elisa in Private
  • Baalate LtD Files
  • spens
  • Profits
  • Profits
  • Ring Ring
  • Restricted
  • Income - Profits
  • Ill call him back later , right now i need to figure out this file
  • Ms Weakendale, this is the last body - we need more resource
  • Leave it with me !
  • also onsite storage is full , we need to move some of the barrels
  • Baalate Ltd
  • Hey , i think we met this morning , emmm i need help accessing a file - i need to see all files to complete my audit
  • Ring Ring
  • Baalate Ltd
  • Oh no , she cant see that file !! I cant take this anymore
  • Oh Sorry I need to take this
  • Layla I trust you are alone ! we require more resource , find out about a localhospice our generous organisation can sponsor
  • I cant do this again ..... the guilt .....
  • Very Powerful - even your great Ms Weakendale cannot stand up to OKU - I know people are afraid of her
  • Your Organisation - OKU Ltd, how powerful are they ?
  • Baalate LtD
  • OK!???
  • you must do what i say , ill tell you what you need to know but you must do wht i say
  • Baalate LtD
  • Later That Evening
  • Layla the PA requests to talk with Elisa in Private
  • ok , so why so confidential , and what do you mean it will be it for me !
  • That file you want to access - contains some contracts - higly confindential contract s, you cant open the file onsite, an alram will trigger and she will know you have access and that will be it for you - but i can give you the password , and a link to access the file offsite
  • The Blood trials !!! what is this ? I dont understand these numbers, Prof Snesbrook ??? I need to make a call
  • Baalate LtD
  • Ok , Ok thats fine
  • I cant say anymore here - ill tell you where to meet me
  • Baalate LtD
  • Later That Evening
  • ICE
  • ICE
  • Baalate Ltd
  • You and your guys get these barrels to the RIG
  • ICE
  • ICE
  • Baalate Ltd
  • ICE
  • ICE
  • Baalate Ltd
  • Baalate Ltd
  • ICE
  • ICE
  • Baalate Ltd
  • Yes Sir
  • ICE
  • ICE
  • Baalate Ltd
  • The Following Morning
  • So why have you asked me to meet you here , and your whispering?
  • I don't even know if we are safe here, but I have to take the risk , for the sake of my own sanity - the usb is in this folder , the password to the file is GLOBIN
  • GLOBIN ? Ok ? so
  • she makes us , find hospices to sponsor, I think she collects the bodies, pays people to not ask questions
  • Later that Day !!
  • What !?!,
  • You think im crazy but ms weakendale isnt just a business woman , shes a monster - the mysterious barrels always moving offsite - i just know its connected
  • !/!!!!!!!
  • If OKU are as powerful as you claim , then you can exspose her , she has to be stopped, sometimes i hear screams in my sleep - i think shes kidnapping live people now
  • Oh My - Ok ok , oh My
  • Look i have to go, before she gets suspicious , its alot to take in, just take this file and dont thank me, ive done terrible things on her behalf,
  • The Globin Project Prof Snesbrook
  • Agent Ajani - OKU Ltd
  • CALLING - Agent Ajani - OKU LtD
  • Agent Elisa ,ive been trying to reach you ,, we need to abort mission
  • The Globin Project Prof Snesbrook
  • Negative !, im on the cusp of something here , you were right , their books are rotten and i think im about to find out why - look up prof snesbrook for me
  • Good Morning Ms Elisa - I trust My PA's have been of great assistance to you , do you know how much longer this will all take ?
  • Good Morning Ms Weakendale , yes ts all very satisfactory , i only have a few more checks to make
  • Baalate LtD
  • Oh do Shut Up Alan! Although i do agree something feels off ! hmm let me spk to the girls
  • Sister , this audit is driving me crazy !
  • Hmmm she did try to access the globin file but it has high clearance so was locked to her
  • Ladies ,have you noticed anything strange with our nosey auditor
  • I haven't noticed anything
  • Baalate LtD
  • Yes Ms weakendale, I have emailed the deatils over to you
  • Hmm ok, well lets keep an eye ,Oh and Brenda did you manage to find out about a funeral or hospice for me , i did ask Layla but she was very busy yesterday
  • Baalate LtD
  • !!!?!!! Oh God
  • Baalate LtD Files
  • spens
  • Profits
  • Profits
  • Buzz
  • Restricted
  • Income - Profits
  • Ahh its Ajani
  • TEXT MESSAGE From: Agent Ajani - OKU LtD...........I looked into that Lead for you - sending you the address NOW......
  • Layla my dear , I have a favour to ask , will you come by my office
  • Oh God , she knows I have to warn Elsia , what did i do !!
  • what on earth ??? Mental Instituion !!!
  • Great, I must warn you, that as brilliant as the prof is , today he is rather unwell - he not may not make much sense but company is vital for his recovery
  • Hi Ms Elsia , sorry for the wait , Im Dr Cole , i take it our administartor has taken your ID, and i believe you are form the volunteer programme ?
  • errr yes , yes thats right, with Prof Snesbrook I believe
  • what does she know of blood and bone - did they send her
  • Mr Snesbrook , this is the researcher that voluntered to sit with you today
  • ???
  • How did she know to come here ?
  • why dont you make yourself mor comfortable Prof, ms Elisa will just keep company for a little while
  • Hi Prof , we could chat or I could read to you if you like ?
  • im not sure this man can help me
  • in this scene , prof maintains his saneness to Elisa , i know your not a volunteer , my stay here is calssified , you must have pretty powerful backing to know that i am here - tells her everything
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