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1. A girl is studying at the library. She is

assigned an assignment by her history teacher about World War 1. She looks around for a book to give her more information about WW1. She finds an

interesting book that follows America through WW1.

2. World War I or the First World War, often abbreviated as WWI, was one of the deadliest global conflicts in history. It was fought between two coalitions, the Allies and the Central Powers. When WWI began in Europe in 1914, many Americans wanted the United States to stay out of the conflict, supporting President Woodrow Wilson's policy of strict and impartial neutrality. But, later when America joined the war, they joined the Allies.

3. Wilson, the president at the time, cited Germany's violation of its pledge to suspend unrestricted submarine warfare in the North Atlantic and the Mediterranean, as well as its attempts to entice Mexico into an alliance against the United States, as his reasons for declaring war.


Central Powers


Woodrow Wilson

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