British made the decision to attack the Americans..
British started to attack the Americans..
Fire my men!
British began to look for an escape..
In 1777, the British had a separate meeting, deciding if they wanted to attack Americans or not. They eventually decided to attack the Americans, gathering up their troops.
British hid from the Americans in a forward position.
The British made their first strike on the Americans. One group of John Burgoyne's troupes charged at the Americans, guns drawn and ready.
British decided to flee the battlefeild
The Americans gained the upper hand, the British began to worry, and started looking for a way to escape.
British surrender!
The British found a hiding spot in a forward position away from the Americans. They suffered many casualties already, and didn't want to have anymore.
The British decided to retreat. They began to flee to the north, but horrible weather refrained them from escaping. They dug themselves into holes to try and escape the Americans, but the Americans had them surrounded.
On October 17, 1777, Burgoyne's army surrenders, feeling utterly humiliated. The Americans have proved their worth. The Americans had yet again, another victory.