Honey I think you should try and cross the road again
Okay mum I'll try
I can't do it
come on Tony you'll be okay
It has been two years since tonys dad was run over by a car and killed and he hasn't been the same since the incident. Tony hans't been able to cross the road in front of his house as that was the road his dad got ran over .
Why can't i just move on
His mum trys to encourage him to try and cross the road to see if he can try to get over the event.
I just want to be normal again
Tony I think it's time you should see a therapist and talk about the problems you have
He gets the nerves to go outside hears someone honking reminding him of his fathers death so he began to breathing heavily and freak out.
Tony this is a safe place and anything you say in this room stays in this room so tell me a bit about your self
He goes inside to try to calm himself but can't so he runs upstairs into his room. He Is frustrated as everytime he tries to move on he can't
After tony calms down his mums thinks it's time to have a talk.