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Westward expansion

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Westward expansion
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it has some viloent parts

Texte du Storyboard

  • Mountian Men In Oregon Country
  • Where are those beavars i need pelts to sell and i need food!!
  • The Oregon Trail
  • What are we going to do!!
  • Our rations are gone and our ox is injured who did this!
  • What happened to our ox!
  • Manifest Destiny
  • Are you selling the newspaper on Menifest Destiny?
  • yes sir to your left its a intersting paper
  • When people started to come to Oregon country they were most trying to find ways to make a profit some would hike though the forest and trap animals and live off the land these type of people were called mountain men and there apprences were this was the start of Oregon.
  • Mexican-American War
  • please stop agrueing
  • From stories people heard they wanted to start to go to Oregon and they fellowed a trail called the Oregon Trail. Familes left to go get independence but even though it seemed easy it was quite hard and some people didn't survie it they had a ceratin time stamp they would have to leave to avoid winter and avoid death.
  • Mormons In Utah
  • get out of here we don't like your bealifs
  • JAMES NO !!!!
  • Americans wanted to buy calfornia because we though our nations way of running things was the best way of running things and it is our duty and right to to spread it and buying calafornia was one of the ways we could do that a newspaper called this belief Manifest Destiny.
  • California Gold Rush
  • When Texas spilt from mexico they wanted to join the USA but the USA didn't want to start anything with mexico but eventually texas was added into one of the states and mexico got angry because they were worried that 1 rebillion would lead to more but at the same time americans were upset becasue mexico didn't take their money to buy california.
  • We had a good deal why wouldn't you take it you could have gotten so muc money from us
  • really you want us to take a deal when you people had taken in who stole land from mexico really!
  • Mormons were people who belonged to the church of jesus christ and it was founded by joseph smith his teachings upset many people by saying a man could have more then one wife and that owning land should be more common the mormons ended up leaving because they were droven away by their neighbors as well as there leader being killild and on the road trying to find a better place for them that place was utah and they learned to like in the deserts climate and way of life
  • you killed the founder
  • Our founder noooooo
  • james marchell had found gold in a river next to suttlers mill he tried to keep it a secert but the news had spread and people traveld from all over the USA trying to find gold at first it was easy but as time progressed it became harder to find because most of it had been found.
  • I found gold now i can pay for food and might not have to work for a long while
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