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There Will Come Soft Rains

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There Will Come Soft Rains
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Texte du Storyboard

  • The day is August 4th, 2026 as the house begins it's daily routine.
  • Tick tock, it's 7 O'clock, time to get up.
  • As emptiness fills the room the house continues to speak as if it were human.
  • 8 O'clock, it's time for breakfast.
  • Outside the house barked a dog. The house recognized the dog and opened the door.
  • Around 2 O'clock the dog disappears and the house once again speaks as if it is talking to someone. The room asks a question and then begins to recite a poem.
  • "There will come soft rains and the smell of the ground, And swallows circling with their shimmering sound."
  • Around 10 O'clock a tree crashes into the home as it is set to flames. The house exclaims "Fire! fire!" as it attempts to put itself out. It is too late and the fire continues to grow and spread.
  • Fire! Fire!
  • 8 O'clock it's time for breakfast.
  • The day is August 5th, 2026 as the house again begins to start its routine. The house continues to burn to ash. The stove makes breakfast incredibly fast. Still not a person to be found anywhere. It appears that the humans dependence on technology led to their demise.
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