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Examination Day

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Examination Day
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Texte du Storyboard

  • Exposition
  • What's all this exam talk? That doesn't seem like a fun birthday activity.
  • You'll do great on the exam today, Dickie!.
  • My poor baby!
  • Conflict
  • Rising Action
  • Drink this liquid, Dickie. It tastes like peppermint.
  • This seems kinda serious...
  • It's Dickie's twelfth birthday. He was looking forward to a great day, but his parents don't seem very happy. They tell him he is old enough to take the Government Intelligence Test.
  • Climax
  • The conflict of the story is that Dickie has to take an IQ test administered by the government. When he asks about the test, his mom tells him that he will have to answer questions given by the Government.
  • Falling Action
  • Noooooooooooo! Our poor baby!
  • Dickie goes to the government building for his IQ test. He is told to drink the peppermint liquid and answer questions truthfully. He drinks the liquid and begins the test.
  • Resolution
  • The Jordans wait by the phone for the results of their son's test. A woman from the Government Educational Building calls the Jordans to let them know that Dickie's test results are in. She tells them that his score was above the Government regulation.
  • Ring! Rinnng!
  • Mrs. Jordan breaks down and cries when she sees her husband's face and realizes that her son won't be coming home.
  • The woman offers the Jordans ten dollars for the cost of burial.
  • Dickie JordanAge: 12
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