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American revolution

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American revolution
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  • French and indian war
  • Taxes 
  • Boston tea party
  • The French and Indian war was a war was between France and great Britain the war was also known as the 7-year war .during the war British sent troops to America led by George Washington to get land in the Americas. the British won the war with the colonist
  • "shot heard round the world "
  • The French and Indian War had put the British into tons of debt and theBritish Parliament starts enforcing taxes on the colonies in order to getmoney. However, the colonies didn't want to pay taxes and felt morepowerless as the Thirteen Colonies had no seat in the parliament, thushaving no voice in the British Parliament.
  • "Battle of Yorktown "
  • The Boston tea party was a rebellious act of the colonist because they didn't like to pay taxes so they went on a boat caring tea and threw it out into the water
  • A new constitution 
  • after the Boston tea party incident, the British had sent soldiers into Boston
  • The British troops weresurrounded. The American andFrench troops gradually closedin and on Oct19, 1781 the British troops surrendered.
  • After the war none of the people wanted to stay with the British andmade something for that. So they made a document namedthe treaty ofParis which is a document that says that the English gave up theirterritories in the Americas. The Constitution made the Americas intocountry. The Constitution also made the laws of the Government andmade the Government and certain basic right for their citizens.
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